Este fin de semana hemos participado en el #1 WORLD WIDE WALL ROMA un evento internacional dedicado al arte de la carteleria, una técnica urbana denominada ¨wheat paste¨ (empapelar).

La actución se realizó en Villaggio Globale, Roma (Italia) y contó con la obra de unos 200 artistas procedentes de todas las partes del mundo. El evento fue posible gracias a la iniciativa del colectivo de artistas de la capital; Stoker propaganda, Merio (Fishes Invasion), Tzing Tao, K2m, Aloha streetart, Mr. Minimal, Hanshengretel y Oral Pro Nobis.

Gracie mille! @worldwide.wall d:)

Si conoces más eventos de este tipo, háznoslo saber!

This weekend we participated in #1 WORLD WIDE WALL ROME an international event dedicated to the art of posters, an urban technique called ¨wheat paste¨

The performance was realized in Villaggio Globale, Rome (Italy) about 200 artists from around of the world participated. The event was made possible by the initiative of a collective of artists from the city; Stoker advertisement, Merio (Fishes Invasion), Tzing Tao, K2m, Aloha streetart, Mr. Minimal, Hanshengretel and Oral Pro Nobis. Gracie mille! d;)

If you know more events like this, let us know! 

Photos by Rita Restifo and Mitindo.it

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